Sulaiman Ahmed Al-Qudaibi Co. For Resin Production - Company Policy

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Company Policy:

Sulaiman Ahmed Al-Qudaibi Co. for Resin Production is committed to continuing improvement of it’s products and services to achieve increased customer satisfaction, and committed to a policy of strict compliance with the letter and the spirit of all the environmental laws and regulations at the State of Kuwait, as well as to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Quality Management System (QMS) and Environmental Management System (EMS) and their continuing improvement.

To meet this commitment, the entire staff of Sulaiman Ahmed Al-Qudaibi Co. for Resin Production is expected to:

  • Focus on the requirements of its customers and develop its products and services to satisfy their needs where feasible.
  • Develop quality objectives at appropriate levels to ensure those requirements are effectively addressed in its business.
  • Implement all necessary steps to ensure compliance with environmental laws, to safeguard against violations, and to take appropriate corrective action.
  • Minimize our environmental emissions / discharges and commit to prevention of pollution.
  • Provide adequate resources and leadership to the EMS issues.
  • Constantly monitor, measure and review QMS & EMS performance, recognizing excellence and driving for continual improvement.
  • Employees will be expected to familiarize themselves with all applicable environmental regulations and to make environmental compliance an integral part of their job.
  • Implement a Quality Management System that meets the requirements of
    ISO 9001: 2008.
  • Effectively implement our Environmental Management System, EMS as per
    ISO 14001:2004 Standard requirements to achieve company goals.
  • Foster an environment that supports teamwork.

In doing this, we encourage open communication within the company and with the community. We involve our employees in QMS & EMS activities, with the aim to prevent all pollution.

Achieving industry leadership in QMS & EMS performance is a collective responsibility requiring team work and every Sulaiman Ahmed Al-Qudaibi Co. for Resin Production employee shall be committed to this goal.



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